How to reclaim energy rather than become run down by stress
While sometimes we may feel at the mercy of our to-do lists, responsibilities, schedules and even general self-care, there’s a simple practice I’ve come across that can make a huge difference in whether or not, at the end of the day, I feel a sense of fulfillment or depletion. I’ll outline it for you here so you can decide if you’d like to try it out.
The practice goes like this: notice where choices and activities lead to a sense of energy coming into your life, or where it goes out or diminishes. “Energy in” for me means feeling pleasantly energized, uplifted, at ease or relaxed. The technique is to simply ask yourself: “Is this bringing energy in right now, or is it going out?” In my experience, even small choices make a difference.
Here are some examples of the kinds of situations where I could ask myself this question: “Do I say yes or no to an opportunity?” “Do I take a hot bath or watch a show?” “Do I go for a walk or sit down for awhile?” “Do I eat this food, or that food?”
Here’s the thing, energy out is not a bad thing. Finding balance makes the difference. For example, if I have a lot of "energy out" type of experiences, I might benefit from some added recovery time. Even small choices can add up. I recommend giving this a try in your own life and see what happens.
You might notice benefits right away, like I did. I do consider this practice more of a process than a quick fix. Over time, the choosing becomes more automatic and intuitive as you gain practice with it. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Have you practiced with something like this before?